Newmarket MFC Constitution
Note: Throughout this document, words of masculine gender should be taken to include all gender identities.
1. The club is called Newmarket Model Flying Club and is affiliated to the British Model Flying Association (BMFA). The club is also referred to as Newmarket MFC and the name is often abbreviated to NMFC.
2. The club’s principal aim is the promotion of safe and responsible R/C model flying. The club focuses on powered fixed wing aircraft, but members also fly helicopters, gliders and multi-rotors.
3. The club is run by a Committee of club members (see Section D below).
4. Changes to this constitution can only be made after consultation with the current membership. Approval requires a simple majority of those members voting on any proposal (see Section G below).
5. The term ‘member’ means any of the following classes of membership:
a. Junior (aged under 18 years) b. Senior (aged 18 and over) c. Honorary (see paragraph 14)
6. Membership fees for each class are set annually by the Committee. New members are required to pay a one-off joining fee of one half of the appropriate class membership fee.
7. The Club is limited to a total of 60 members. If necessary, new applicants are placed on a waiting list which is processed in order of application.
8. The Committee has the right to refuse membership to new applicants. Any refusal is documented in committee meeting minutes together with the reason(s) for refusal; refusal may not be on the grounds of race, gender, sexuality or disability.
9. New members are required to serve an initial probationary period of 6 months. During this time they are not eligible to serve on the Committee and may, at the discretion of the Committee, have their membership terminated for unsatisfactory conduct. Such dismissals do not need to follow the disciplinary procedure described in Section C below.
10. All members must be members of the BMFA; they must also comply with the registration and competency requirements of the Drone and Model Aircraft Registration and Education Scheme (DMARES). Members may opt to have these requirements processed via the club; those managing them for themselves (or via another club) are required to provide the necessary evidence before they can fly.
11. Club membership fees are due by 1st January each year. Any member who has not paid for the ensuing year by this date is not be permitted to fly until they have done so.
12. Members who have not paid their club membership fee by the end of January are deemed to have left the club. A renewal after this period is treated as a new membership application for which the club joining fee is payable. If necessary, the applicant will be placed on the waiting list for new members (see paragraph 7).
13. Applications for membership made after 1st November are extended until the end of the following year (i.e. a maximum of 14 months), although BMFA membership and DMARES registration are required for both years.
14. The Committee may, at its discretion, award honorary membership for extensive services to the club. Honorary members have their annual Club and BMFA membership fees paid by the club. The Committee may also, at its discretion, waive the Club membership fee for members with specific responsibilities.
15. All members, without exception, must comply with the Club Rules published on the club website. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action by the Club which may lead to dismissal.
16. The committee may make urgent changes to the Club Rules if circumstances demand it. Otherwise, additions and amendments can only be made after consultation with the current membership. Approval requires a simple majority of those voting on any proposal (see Section G below).
17. The BMFA Basic Proficiency or 'A' Certificate is the club's solo flying criterion. The Club Rules set out the supervision requirements for those without the necessary certification. Any member whose flying standards, in the opinion of the Committee, Instructors or Examiners, drop below the minimum safe standard will be required to fly under supervision until a satisfactory standard has been reached.
18. Members may invite guest fliers by arrangement with the Committee. Guests must be able to provide evidence of current BMFA membership and DMARES compliance. The club member must assume total responsibility for the actions and safety of the guest. Guests must fly under the supervision of instructors if their ability requires it; such arrangements must be made in advance of the visit.
19. Any complaint concerning any club member must be made in writing and signed by the complainant(s). The written complaint must then be forwarded to the Club Secretary so that the matter can be addressed at the next Committee meeting.
20. Where an allegation of misconduct is made against a member, the Committee may suspend the member from all club activities while an investigation is carried out. Suspension pending an investigation does not infer blame or guilt.
21. In the event of misconduct, the Committee may suspend a member from club activities (including attendance at the club flying site), for a period of up to 28 days. Any suspension will be accompanied by a verbal and/or written warning as deemed appropriate in accordance with paragraph 22.
22. The Committee may consider removal of membership where conduct on the field or elsewhere is considered to be prejudicial to the club. Dismissal will be in accordance with the following procedure in order to comply with the laws of natural justice:
a. A Committee member will issue a verbal warning in which the member is made aware of his misdemeanour and what he is reasonably required to do to make amends. b. If the member does not respond, the Committee will issue a written warning to advise him of his misdemeanour and what he is reasonably required to do to make amends. c. If the member still fails to respond, the Committee will invite him to meet with them at an agreed date and time to discuss the situation, advising that they are considering withdrawal of his membership. d. If the member still fails to respond or fails to attend the meeting without reasonable cause, the Committee may advise him (in writing) that his membership is withdrawn, stating the reasons why this decision was reached. e. When the member is advised of withdrawal of his membership, he will be given the right of appeal. If he opts to appeal, a document summarising the Committee’s reasons for withdrawing the member’s membership and a statement by the member in question will be circulated to members. A motion to withdraw will be put to the current membership; the outcome will be determined by a simple majority of those members voting on the motion (see Section G below).
In the event of gross misconduct, the Committee may consider immediate dismissal without warnings but the member will still be accorded his right to present his case to the Committee and given a right of appeal in accordance with sub-paragraphs c, d and e above.
In the event of dismissal, the Committee will arrange re-imbursement of the unused proportion of the member’s annual club membership fee (excluding any BMFA/DMARES subscriptions).
23. The Committee is made up of at least 4, and not more than 6, club members – probationary members and Committee members/Officers of another club are ineligible.
24. The Officers of the Committee are:
a. Chairman b. Secretary c. Treasurer
25. Committee officers and members are elected annually in December for the ensuing year. Candidates other than existing Committee members standing for re-election must be proposed and seconded by current club members. If there is more than one candidate for a position, the current membership will be invited to vote for their choice. Election to each position will be by a simple majority of those members casting a vote (see Section G below).
26. Should a Committee position become vacant, the Committee may, by a majority vote, co-opt a replacement who will then serve until the next Committee election.
27. Any Committee Member or Officer wishing to resign must do so in writing.
28. Any member of the Committee who is absent from three consecutive Committee meetings without reasonable cause will automatically forfeit his seat on the Committee.
29. Members elected to the committee have full voting rights at all committee meetings. In the event of a tie the Chairman will have a casting vote in addition to his initial standing vote.
30. The Committee is authorised to carry out negotiations and make decisions in the interest of the club and its members without consulting the members.
31. The Treasurer and Secretary are the authorised operators of the club bank account.
32. Both the Treasurer and Secretary may make payments online and by debit card. One signature is sufficient on payments by cheque.
33. The Secretary must be informed of any negotiations proposed by club members which affect the Club as a whole and copies of any written correspondence must be submitted to him for record purposes.
34. Committee members will be re-imbursed for any expenditure necessarily incurred on behalf of the club. Claims for re-imbursement must be accompanied by corresponding receipts.
35. The Committee meets in person on an ad hoc basis.
36 All Committee meetings are agenda’d and minuted. Minutes of Committee meetings can be made available to members on request to the Secretary.
37. A quorum of any Committee meeting shall consist of a majority of the current Committee members.
38. A majority vote of those present is required to carry any proposal.
39. The Club Secretary maintains the club mailing list. Updates containing club news, reminders and other items of interest are emailed to all members on an ad hoc basis.
40. The committee circulates an Annual Report in December of each year. The report contains:
- a review of the club’s activities - club membership statistics - a financial summary - confirmation of the membership fees for the ensuing year
Members also receive an annual membership renewal form showing all of the information that the club holds about them.
41. Decisions requiring a vote by the membership, including (but not limited to):
- changes to the Club Constitution or Rules - disciplinary issues - election of Committee members
are handled electronically:
- the Club Secretary provides notice of the poll and provides relevant background information at least 7 days in advance of the closing date.
- On the closing date, the Club Secretary tabulates the responses (anonymously) and circulates the result.
- in the event of a tied result on any issue, the outcome will be determined by a Committee vote.
42. The club holds both Civil and Employers Liability Insurance, provided through its affiliation to the BMFA.
43. The club indemnifies all committee officers and committee members if they incur any liability on behalf of the club.
44. In the event of a Committee Member being awarded damages or costs in the course of proceedings taken by him in his representative capacity, such damages or costs will belong to the Club and not the Committee Member personally. Upon receipt, the Committee Member will pay them to the Club Treasurer.
45. When there is a joint meeting between Newmarket MFC and another club, the participating club must be able to provide evidence of adequate insurance cover in advance of the event.
46. Should the committee decide that the club is no longer viable, it will recommend dissolution in a motion put to the membership. Should the recommendation be rejected by the membership, the club will cease to operate pending the appointment of a new committee willing to run the club.
47. On dissolution (after the sale of any assets, settlement of all outstanding debts and the refund of subscriptions for the remaining part of the year to members) the funds remaining will be distributed in equal shares to the Club’s charities. (See Section J below). If the final accounts are less than required to refund the subscriptions to the members, the total money remaining will be donated to the Club’s nominated charities.
48. All members will receive a final statement of accounts.
49. The Club will, wherever possible, support local charity events when asked, subject to the practicability of providing a relevant display of the club’s activities. The Committee will assess all requests and make decisions based on the feasibility, cost and safety of each proposed event.
50. Any money raised at these events will be made available to donate to worthy causes.
51. No money will be diverted from members’ subscriptions.
52. In the event of the club being approached to donate money to a local worthy cause, the Committee will make a decision on the amount to be donated. The maximum sum available in this case will be £50.
53. In the event that the Club is approached for sponsorship of a member or their close associate who is involved in a charity event, the Committee will make a decision on the amount to be donated. The maximum sum available for sponsorship in this case will be £50.
54. The current nominated Club charities are:
- The East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA) - East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH)
Version 7.0 May 2023